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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Family isn't always blood connection .

Family isn't always blood connection .

It's the people in your life who want you in theirs,
the ones who accept you for what you are .

The ones who would do anything to see you smile 
...........and who would love you no matter what .


  1. I disagree. Family is always blood. That's the definition. All others are great friends. Let's keep the distinction clear however. Too many forces inimical to the family are trying to obliterate the definition.

    1. unless you are lied to your whole life and the people who you thought were your family arnt!!! Maybe you should understand that not everyone has a "blood family" to care about them and if you want to get all technical like that Definitions are man made! & in Gods eyes we are all one be 'ol happy family, that coming from me, somone who isnt a big church person!

    2. I have adopted twin sons. They are more my family than some peoples blood relatives. I am the only mother they have ever known and was the first person to hold them when they were born. I AM their mother, they ARE my children, and with my husband we ARE a FAMILY!!!!!!! Blood makes you a relative, love makes you a family. God bless!

    3. Adopted children are not blood but are definitely family :-) Family IS more than blood.

    4. Listen you prick face, i am with a family after 10 years of foster care because my blood family didn't want me. FAMILY IS MORE THAN BLOOD!!!!

    5. You have obviously not had a true friend that has been there for you through think and thin..I'm sorry that you haven't because then maybe you would realize that this quote is very much true..

    6. I have people in my life that are not blood relatives but are still a part of my family. First off My Step Father who has been there since I was a baby, and now my husband! Also I have people who are not even by marriage. My close friends are a part of my family! Some more so than my blood relatives!

    7. Your such a small minded person that I actually feel sorry for you. To think that family is just blood? Family is so much more. I am not blood related to any of my FAMILY.
      Close minded idiots like yourself will probably live a very sad life.
      I would like to wish you luck with it, but nahhh. Your an ejet.

    8. Unless you are on the streets since 12 years old because men and drugs were more important than there son. To me my family are the people who were there for me through thick and thin. That's family. I kno because I went through it.

    9. I would never define family as being blood!! Because family would not sexually molest you or bash your mother nearly to death in front of your eyes while still in a pram or disown you for your sexuality or gender- NO! Family are the people in my life who love and support me for just being myself, who would do anything to protect me and make me smile. They share my values, beliefs and love me for our differences.

    10. Well you should also consider the foster kids or kids that never had the chance to be adopted. To them, family isn't just blood. Maybe in physical terms but in emotional terms I strongly agree with this quote. I love my foster parents and no matter what THEY ARE MY FAMILY. They're the ones that are their for me in times of need. And have helped me accomplish so many things. They accept me for who I am and love me no matter what. Not all 'blood' parents do that.

  2. What about your spouse or your in laws...That is not blood but they are much more than "great friends". Family is NOT just blood relatives. My Family consists of many families. It is sad to limit yourself to just the family that you are related to by blood. Very sad!!

  3. family is most certainly NOT only blood! my biological parents have been involved in my life, but in only negative ways! my biological grandparents were never near. the woman who is my mother, is because of love and care! family is not blood, it is through heart!

  4. For those of us who have been hurt deeply by blood relatives and "in-laws" who shun them because they are not blood... this is not just a quote.

  5. There was once a time when family was truely by blood, and the outside world was either friends or foes....but that has undergrown a massive change until we reached to what we are now; where family became no more by blood.

  6. The people around you no wonder is friend or family, they are always support you even they just is your friend... Friend can be your family even supporter. We can be closed like a happy family.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I was adopted. THEY are my family!!!

  9. family is a person or a group of people who will sacrifice a few years of their life for the uplift net of the weak in the family helping the family to wade through hardships so that family members can thrive and become productive. I had such an opportunity to save my father's family after his death. But don't expect gratitude in return because we are humans and humans will do what comes best to them. my own mother forgot that she could have lost my fathers house if it wasn't for me who shouldered the burden of his debt on the house for 5 years until my brother was able to carry on my fathers burden for the remaining 2 years of the mortgage period. At the end of this 7 year period, the bank released the papers back to my mother and she wrote me a letter saying that the house is hers and that she was going to give it to my brother and his unwed wife.

  10. We loved with a love that was more than love.Edgar Allan Poe

  11. Blood does not make you family. Family are the people who are there for through good and bad. I know blood family that are very close and fit the definition but I also know families as my own that were only there when where it worked for them or if they needed something. When I got married and had kids of my own and could not give as much as I used to, they all turned their backs and looked for another sucker. I have family, but they ain't blood!


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